Friday, December 24, 2010


[New]Scribbling Pin Board
1.Alarm:Schedule:Daily,Weekly Or Selected week days,Set end date
2.Alarm:Schedule:Place call,Web search,Play My Music, Voice Memo
3.Play My Music,(New looks)
4.Speak my scribbling
5.Repeating schedules
6.View scribblings in calendar(active schedules only)
7.Import a contact as scribbling
8.Scribble notes,append notes from media
9.Tag phone number/email id for follow up call/email
10.Set alert,web search or status bar notifications
11.Create/Edit groups
12.SMS scribbling(Title+Body,Max 160 Characters)
13.Quick web view
14.Search scribbling
15.Email scribbling
16.View in group
17.Toolkit:DST, Export & Import,Copy to media
18.Drawing board: hand notes, draw flow chart
19.Capture expenses
"A must for busy life!"

*Android 2.1+ only
"A must for busy life!"

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Release Notes:

Version 18 (Release: ....soon)
1.Schedule, Play My Music( plays mp3 tracks of media)
"A must for busy life!"

Version 16/17
1.View scribbling in calendar(month active schedules)
2.Import a contact as scribbling
1.Editor call button for motorola droid
"A must for busy life!"

Version 15 (Released: September 19'2010)
1.Tag phone number/email id for follow up call/email
2.More options from edit
"A must for busy life!"

Version 14 (Released: September 05'2010)
1. Scribble notes and group
2. Tag phone number for follow up call.
3. Set alert, WEB SEARCH, status bar notifications
4. Scribble in groups
5. SMS scribbling
6. Schedule Google web search
7. Quick web view
8. Search scribbling
9. Voice memo notification
10. Email scribbling
10. Export/Import to media.
"A must for busy life!"

Version 12
* Fixed some minor issues

Version 11
1.Fixed few issues, please update thru download.
2.Planning a release which should adjust screen resolution for motorolo droid.
3. Release after 12, will have web search schedule in place of vibrate,(vibrate will be merged with alert, which will update status bar notifications)
4.Web search schedule is cool.. since you can plan a head and schedule a search in advance,
later at some point I will try aggregate the search results in list format for you to save in scribbling. -- please be noted search is google search.

5.Also exploring the google calendar integration for scribbled events
6.Future enhancements will have auto repeat reminders like for birth day events - this will be new use case with key event lists out side groups - a thought ?
7.Since we have released voice memo,I am planning to work on voice auto play back for scheduled calls.

Release Notes: Version 9
This is major release,
1.Improved performance
2.Record voice memo to play back at scheduled time - cool!
3.Search scribbling with new search screen
4.Quick view : Active alarm scribbling
5.Added system reserved groups: Export, Import
a.Export : To export mark scribbling group as Export
b.Import: Scribbling imported back to phone will be marked as ”Import “ group, you can move to other.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Cyril's - Software Requirements

Hello Team,
You knew me ....Cyril.
I am the project sponsor and driving the requirements but I want "We" as project sponsors join me...and lets articulate how we can be prompt and productive in our daily school works and other activities. We live in small universe connected with huge wired and wireless networks!
This small app should help us in better organizing ourselves so that we never have to take excuse....

My mom is so happy..because dad is kept busy with coding and he is missing macy's shopping over weekend....

Here is the idea floated I am asking my dad to integrate with twitter and also some educational site feed (RSS), schedule so that we get latest information at scheduled time .... sounds cool ?

Voice Memo Schedule

Next Release:
1. Improved performance
2. Fixed few minor group display bugs
3. Voice Memo: Record voice memo up to max of 2 mnts and schedule as reminder.
* Please be noted this is major addition,you may have to uninstall and start over again.
I don not intend to charge again, is google update doesn't provice send me e-mail I will refund all (please cooperate).
This feature uses phone external media(micro sd) make sure it has some space, program will create voice memo folders, please do not alter.

I know I have to work on user manual...I will soon.

** Please do report errors.Any suggestion are most welcome.